Monday, May 28, 2012

Meeting Minutes 3/7/2012

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST March 7, 2012, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

Present:  Hannah Roditi, Chip Caton, Dale Bertoldi, Vikki Reski, Paula Jones, Vic Herson, Tamara Hochman

Next Land Trust Meeting:  March 25, at 52 Duncaster Road.  2- 4 P.M. Board members only (Capacity Building project, if ready); 5 -6 P.M.  Regular Land Trust meeting

  1. Tami met with Patrick Sullivan.  D&O quote is $1,610.  We are getting additional quotes, but will accept this policy to have coverage.  We would renew in October, so if we decide to change carriers, we would get a pro-rata premium refund.  While we were discussing insurance, Hannah noted that the Senior Center in Bloomfield allows groups to use the facility provided they have sufficient insurance.  This was noted in the event we would consider holding future meetings in a public venue.
  2. The Land Trust has been offered another ¼ acre parcel which abuts a ¼ acre parcel we already own (off of Blue Hills Ave.).  We will verify that all the taxes are paid.  The vote to accept the parcel was unanimous.
  3. The rest of the meeting was facilitated by Hannah Roditi; topic was the capacity building project.  Hannah will summarize results.

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