Monday, May 28, 2012

Meeting Minutes 10/27/2011

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST October 27, 2011, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

Present:  Vic Herson, Claudia Bell, Hannah Roditi, Kevin Gough, Chip Caton, Tamara Hochman, Vikki Reski, Paula Jones

  1. Special Projects

a.       The Board interviewed Sharon Danosky, President of Danosky & Associates (D&A), as the finalist consultant being considered for the Land Trust organizational assessment that is part of the CCLC development grant.  Sharon described the assessment process and answered questions.  Key steps in the assessment process would include:  Land Trust document review, Board members pairing up to complete a workbook survey, Compilation of survey results by D&A, Holding a “Retreat” session to review results and develop strategy, D&A to compile and present Retreat results/Plan, D&A to provide a 6-month follow-up. 

Following Sharon’s presentation, the Board voted unanimously to hire D&A to perform the assessment.  Sharon would e-mail Chip Caton 2 – 3 references.  Four were established to do the workbook survey:  (1) Dale Bertoldi & Kevin Gough, (2) Paula Jones & Chip Caton, (3) Hannah Roditi, Tamara Hochman & Diane Mack, (4) Claudia Bell, Vic Herson, & Vikki Reski. 

The following timeline was established:  (1) Complete workbook surveys by November 15th (Paula Jones to receive, distribute, collect, and return workbooks from/to D&A), (2) Hold Retreat at Hannah Roditi’s on December 4th (December 11th as snow date), (3) D&A report out Thursday, January 12th at 7 P.M.

b.      Lisa Lane Family Fun Fair September 10th had excellent attendance thanks to all the volunteer help.  See the blog for more detail.  Thank you letters were written by Lois Hager, Diane Mack, and Vikki Reski.

2.      Special Election

a.       Tamara Hochman stepped down as Treasurer.  Chip Caton thanked her for her years of service as Treasurer on behalf of the Land Trust.  Vikki Reski was appointed as interim Treasurer.

b.      Vikki Reski stepped down as Secretary.  Paula Jones was appointed as Secretary.

3.      Fundraising Projects

a.       We are still awaiting appraisal of Stout Fields for the NRCS grant.  Chip reported that the Stouts have provided all the necessary paperwork to NRCS. 

b.      Lisa Lane update:  Lois Hager is working with the DEEP; Diane Mack is working with the Town of Bloomfield. The deed is being reviewed – there are a couple of areas of minor encroachment that need to be addressed.  The owners’ paperwork with NCRS, and an appraiser has walked the land in order to do a new appraisal.  The town will own the land; WLT will own the conservation easement.  We need to develop a management plan; WLT will be responsible for making sure the Town adheres to that plan. 

c.       Paula and Vikki reported on the Thrall property.  They had a productive meeting updating the Town of Windsor staff on evolving plans to establish a CSA.  The farmer who is interested in the property has submitted a business plan, and a meeting is scheduled with the farmer, Jiff Martin (UConn Extension Service), and Kip Kolesinskas (NRCS).  The Board approved the expenditure of $75 to join the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation; we are applying for a Barn Grant from the Trust, and membership in the CT Trust is a requirement to apply for grants. 

  1. Committee Reports

a.       Membership:  Hannah’s research beginning after consultant work.

b.      Stewardship:  CL&P – Capewell Greene planting to be done this fall.

c.       Grants:  Paula reported that the pre-application paperwork for the CT Trust Barn Grant is due December 1st.  She will submit that paperwork, as well as the $75 membership fee.

d.      Financial:  Financials on quick books or excel.  CLCC Effective Financial Management Workshop on Saturday, November 19th, 2011, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.

e.       Marketing:  Dunlandwood garden club presentation on Nov 2nd at 7:00 pm at Cheryl Fox’s house.  Possible future presentations:  Rotary Club of Boomfield, Duncaster, Seabury, Town Council.

f.       Board members and committee posts:  nothing additional reported

  1. New Business:  The Board agreed that Tami should apply for a quote on D&O insurance.  Tami will work on the location of the holiday party.  She indicated she is willing to host again, but will approach another Board member to gauge interest in hosting. 
  2. Next Meeting Date:  November 29th, 7:00 pm at 52 Duncaster Road.
  3. Adjourn

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