Tuesday, November 12, 2013

WLT 9/15/2013 Meeting Minutes

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – September 15, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  
Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Kevin Gough 

1.      Corrections/additions to the August Minutes were provided to Paula via e-mail prior to the meeting.   

2.  There was one Agenda addition – the Acquisition Committee set a tentative date of Oct.13th for its next meeting.  Prior to that meeting, Paula will provide a summary of the status of the FRWA mapping project with recommended steps to move that project along.  Kevin will send his suggested changes to Dale’s property evaluation templates.

3. Committee Reports

a) Stewardship
1.      Home Depot donated two loppers and two clippers.
2.      Stout Family Fields – Doris has arranged work parties for September 18th and 19th to pre-clear the fields prior to the scheduled Maintenance Day on September 21st.  Thank you, Doris!  Dale reported that Roy has cut and hayed the second field, so the property is looking very good.  We have a donation of Spanish cedar from Albert Dantonio for the property signage; Herb Virgo will donate his services to make the sign.
3.      Van Otterloo – Preliminary clearing work has been done in preparation for a work crew to do more extensive maintenance. 

c) Events
1.      Fall Hike – A fall hike is being planned for October 26th in collaboration with the Simsbury Land Trust.   Paula will contact Dick Davis about possible rain dates of 10/27 or 11/2.
2.      Stout Fields Celebration – The celebration will be Saturday, September 28th.  Chip, Wendy Wolcott, and Louise Morrise, are serving on the planning committee. 

d) Membership/Community Outreach
1.      Land Trust ID project - We discussed Chip’s proposal for the ID project.  Vikki expanded on Chip’s written explanation of what “product” we’d receive, and reported that there are enough restricted funds (for operational expenses) available for this project.  We all agreed that we need to do something, so the project makes sense with a spending limit of $700.  The Board approved the project; if the cost turns out to be higher, Chip should come back to the Board for approval.  Robin Sherwood has agreed to do the project.
2.      Web site for Photos – Hanna Bertoldi set up Google Drive as a potential website for sharing photographs.  Vikki is testing the site and will report back to the Board.   

4. Old Business - Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan
a)    Organizational assessment review of progress and final meeting with Sharon Danosky – Paula will contact Sharon Danofsky to schedule a date in January and to get a sense of how Sharon will conduct that final review.  Paula will also resend Sharon’s assessment summary to the Board prior to our October 24th meeting.  We had reviewed the summary in June 2012, and established assignments.  We agreed to use that document to “check off” completed tasks, and to re-evaluate committee assignments and prioritization of the remaining items. 

5. New Business -  

a)   Next Meeting Dates – 7 PM at 52  Duncaster Road
a.       October 24th  
b.      November 21st
c.       January 16th – Final meeting with Sharon Danofsky
Recorded by Paula Jones