Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wintonbury Land Trust Meeting Minutes - 10/24/2013

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – October 24, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  

Present:  Chip Caton, Dale Bertoldi, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Kevin Gough 

1.      September 15, 2013 Minutes were approved with minor changes.   

2.  There were no additional Agenda items.

3. Committee Reports

c)      Acquisitions – The Board unanimously approved a summary appraisal of the Evans’ 24-acre parcel. 

d)     Events – The Oct 26th Hike “From Filley House to the Flower Bridge” with Simsbury Land Trust is all arranged.  Bloomfield Leisure Services is providing a bus to shuttle everyone back to the Filley House from Simsbury’s Flower Bridge at the end of the hike. 

e)      Membership/Community

1.      Land Trust ID project – The Board agreed on the tagline “Connecting People with Nature”.

2.      Website – Catherine Lyons has volunteered to update the website.   

4. Old Business - Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

a)    We spent the majority of the meeting reviewing the summary and assigned tasks.  Paula will update the summary and send the revised document to the Board. 

5. New Business -  

a)   Next Meeting Dates – 7 PM at 52  Duncaster Road
a.       November 21st
b.      January 12th or 15th?  TBD
c.       January 16th – Final meeting with Sharon Danofsky (allot 1 hour)
Recorded by Paula Jones