Monday, May 28, 2012

Meeting Minutes 2/19/2012

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST February 19, 2012, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

Present:  Hannah Roditi, Kevin Gough, Chip Caton, Dale Bertoldi, Vikki Reski, Paula Jones, David Mann, Sharon Mann, Tamara Hochman

1)      Fundraising Projects –

d.      Stouts’ Fields:  The NRCS appraisal came in at $5,000 (per acre) over the agreed upon price.  This information was relayed to John Stout.  John has offered to mow and maintain the fields, which led to a discussion about stewardship of the property.  We agreed that both John Stout and Pat Sullivan would be good candidates for stewards.  The suggestion was made to approach them both and to also ask them to develop an estimate for a stewardship fund for the property.

e.       Hawk Hill/LaSalette Trail:  discussion deferred; grant being worked on.

f.       Lisa Lane:  Funds are available to close, leaving a stewardship fund of approximately $18,000.  The current owner is working on resolution of the septic system problem.

g.      Thrall: 

                                                                          i.      Barn Grant – We can expect a decision on the CT Trust for Historic Preservation Barn Grant in late March/early April.  This grant would provide $5,000 of the cost of replacing the south side of the potato barn roof (cost estimated at $15,000.)

                                                                        ii.      Farmland Restoration Grant - The organic vegetable farmer who is interested in leasing the property to set up a CSA model farm is applying for a Farmland Restoration grant.  Paula is providing information to help her with the application.  She is applying for matching funds for land clearing, soil amendment, and well drilling.  WLT would be paying for some of the costs, as would the farmer.

                                                                      iii.      A new grant is available for barn repairs.  It is co-sponsored by The 1772 Foundation and The CT Trust for Historic Preservation.  Up to $15,000 is available in matching funds for exterior painting, security & fire detection, roof, porch, window restoration, and sill and foundation repair/replacement.  Letters of inquiry are due no later than April 1st; there will be a screening process, with final applicants having to submit materials by June 1st. 

                                                                      iv.      Upcoming meeting with Town of Windsor – Paula will be scheduling a meeting with Town staff.  Paula and Vikki will update them on our plans, including clearing about 6 acres.  We are putting a package together for that meeting.

                                                                        v.      Kevin, Paula, Vikki, the farmer, Jiff Martin, and Kip Kolesinskas met in January to start discussions about crafting a lease for the property.  As a result of that meeting, we and the farmer submitted lists of terms we’d like included in a letter of intent (and ultimately in a lease.)  Jiff Martin is facilitating the process.  The letter of intent has to be included as part of the Farmland Restoration Grant application.  Jiff is targeting completion of the letter of intent by around March 1st.

                                                                      vi.      The Board ultimately approved a motion to clear all 6 acres of Thrall assuming funds are available, and to proceed in good faith with negotiating a lease with the interested farmer.  The subgroup working on Thrall (Kevin, Paula, Vikki, Dale) will come back to the Board with updates on lease progress.  Good progress is being made, but there are still some key open questions to be resolved.  Regarding the Farmland Restoration Grant,  the question was asked whether we could apply for matching funds for the well, and ultimately not use them, should another option for water be preferable (e.g., using the farm pond, installing a water tank of some kind, hooking up with MDC).  Paula will work with the farmer to get that question answered.  There was also discussion around which infrastructure improvements WLT should be paying for – specifically wiring the potato barn (since the barn could be used without electricity by a farmer not pursuing a CSA model.)  These key questions need to be resolved quickly for the benefit of the farmer and the Land Trust.

2)      Special Projects –

h.      CCLC Challenge Grant –

                                                                          i.      Following our Organizational assessment, $6,000 remains from this grant.  Hannah has drafted a revised work plan to re-submit to the grantor for approval.  This revised plan was e-mailed to the Board on Friday, the 17th.  The Board approved a motion to accept the revised work plan, and Chip offered to contact the Land Trust Alliance to get approval of the revised plan.  The Board then approved a second motion to hire Hannah to execute the plan, contingent on written confirmation from the grantor that they are agreeable.  During the Organizational Assessment with Sharon Danofsky, we had talked possible conflict of interest situations (e.g. would Hannah doing the work be viewed as favoring a WLT “insider”.)  After reviewing the facts around the grant application, the Board agreed that hiring Hannah to do the work is not a conflict of interest, since the original grant application (for $10,000) specifically indicated she would be doing the work, and the grantor was agreeable.  It was the grantor who imposed the additional condition that we first complete an Organizational Assessment, which Hannah then participated in.

                                                                        ii.      Next steps:  Chip, Tami, Vikki, and Dale (schedule permitting), and Hannah will meet at Tami’s on February 28th from noon to 2 PM to do prep work as preparatory for our next full Board Meeting.  That meeting will be March 5th from 6 to 9 PM at 52 Duncaster Road to develop the Campaign Plan.  Bring a dish to share.

4)      Committee Reports –

i.        Financial:  The Financial Committee will meet at a time that works for all members.  Prime near-term objective is to develop a budget.  WLT will use GAAP accounting for its “official” published financials.  Other worksheets can be used internally for planning and ongoing project management.

Next Board Meeting:  March 5, 6 – 9 PM, at 52 Duncaster Road.

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