Friday, July 4, 2014

Special Membership Meeting Notes - April 8, 2014

Tuesday April 8 th from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. in Room 2, 330 Park Ave.

Dale Bertoldi, Chip Caton, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Doris Johnson, Vic Herson, Pat Sullivan
Peter Bartkoski, Nancy Bowden, John and Vicki Casner, Sten Caspersson, Phillip Douville, Cheryl Fox, Homer Guilmartin, Kevin Gough,  Claudia Gwarduyak, Beverly Hughes, Ruthanne Marchetti, Jeff Small, Kathleen Sullivan and Wendy Wolcott.

1. Greeting and announcements, brief history – in the past few years the WLT has moved from a passive to pro-active organization; our membership has quintupled in that same period. Other successes (Stout Family fields, LaSalette Trail, etc.)
2. General review of the last five years' operational budgets and amount of acquisition funding in total.  Opportunities for financial sustenance (properties appropriate for sale and the concept in general).

3. Cell tower issues and discussion.
A. The following motion was voted upon.  The result was 14 (memberships) in favor, 2 (memberships) opposed.
"To  authorize the Wintonbury Land Trust Board of Directors to negotiate and execute a lease with AT&T for the placement of a cell tower on the Van Otterloo property, provided that the WLT and AT&T attorneys reach terms in accordance with feedback received from the WLT membership." 
Dear Members of the Land Trust,
The Wintonbury Land Trust has a critical decision to make-and we want to hear your thoughts. We're calling a meeting of our members for Tuesday March 4th from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. in Room 2 of the Alvin & B Wood Human Service Center, 330 Park Ave.  
We will cover how we've financed our organization the last several years and the opportunities we have for future income including property sales and utility easements.
We will not take a vote at this time, but should we in the future, "members" are defined in our by-laws as those who are up to date with their dues (which you should be anyway!).
It would be helpful if you could let us know if you plan to attend, but come in any case. To rsvp or if you have questions please call Chip Caton at 860-286-0239.
Thank you.
Dale Bertoldi

Wintonbury Land Trust 

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