Thursday, May 16, 2013

Meeting agenda May 16, 2013

52 Duncaster Road, 6:00-7:30

1.    Minutes Approval 4/21/2013

2.    Special Projects/Announcements
a)       FRWA and Simsbury Land Trust, Dick Davis will present A Landowner Outreach and Negotiation Workshop on May 28th, 2013 from 6:30 to 8pm at the Simsbury Library Program Room. Send RSVP to Amy Petras via email or call at (860) 658-4442 x201
b)       FREE GuideStar Webinar: Financial Analysis in Action, date: May 30, 2013, Time: 3 p.m. ET
c)       CT Trust's website for Celebration of Barns June 7 and 8 at Historic Bushnell Farm in Old Saybrook: gala, barn tours and classes.

3.    Committee Reports
a)       Stewardship:
1.       Thrall: Farm Lease and worksheet discussion.
2.       Stout Fields: Stewardship baseline on Stout Fields done on May 7 and Trail
3.       Maintenance on Speer Preserve May 11, 10:00.
b)       Acquisitions:
1.       Lisa Lane-Marc Needleman updating title report for Lisa Lane from DEEP comments.
2.       LaSalette Trail/Hawk Hill:
3.       1772 Northeast Farm Preservation grant written for Hawk Hill.
4.        Hartford Foundation expected to review the Proposal on the LaSalette Trail in July meeting.
c)       Grants:
1.       DEEP Trails Grant 2013 - 2014 grant round was submitted.
2.       CTNAAP due May 30 in Bloomfield, Windsor ?.
d)       Financial- submitted request for extension for 2012 taxes.
e)       Events:
1.       Celebrate LaSalette Trail on April 27 1:00 to 4:00 wonderful success with over 100 people.
2.       Trails Day, June 2 at Seabury with Paula and Kevin leading this year’s hike.
3.       Bike Tour on June 15 with a rain date June 16. Printing of flyers and registration open online.
f)        Community Outreach: Diana Hughes and Wendy Wolcott working on newsletter
g)       Membership: Welcome Walter Klein, Flo Grieb, William Newman. Thank you to all existing members who renewed. Please mail in your membership to P.O box 734 or renew on-line.

4.       Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan
a)        Conflict of Interest:  board needs to sign individual copies
b)        CCLC grant update.

5.    Board Positions and subcommittee positions: ‘Leaders on Board’ discussion. Next meeting Dates: June 20, 6:00, July 28, 7:00.

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