WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – January 14, 2015, Seabury Retirement
Community, Bloomfield
Present: Kevin Gough,
Paula Jones, Dale Bertoldi, Sten Caspersson, Doris Johnson, Chip Caton, Vic
Herson, Jim Trail , Vikki Reski
1. Minutes for the December 10, 2014 Board Meeting were approved.
2. There were two agenda additions (items b and c under New Business).
2015 Planning – The Board began its discussion of goals for the coming
year. Additionally, Vikki Reski provided
a copy of a Finance Committee preliminary 2015 Budget, based upon goals being
considered by the Board. We will
continue the discussion during the February Board Meeting.
Committee Reports
Grants –
Discussion of Hawk
Hill was tabled.
Evans Property - Chip
Caton reported that the Bafflin Foundation has awarded the Land Trust $25,000
towards the acquisition of the Evans Property.
Chip has also applied for a Fields Ponds Grant, but an award decision
will not be made for 3 months or so. Vikki,
Dale, and Chip attended a presentation regarding two Grant programs, the DEEP
Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Program (OSWA), and DEEP Urban Green
and Community Garden Initiative. Under
the 2015 OSWA Grant program, the Land Trust could hold both title and easement
on the Evans property if we were to apply and be awarded this grant. The grant award can be as high as 65% of fair
market value per a “Yellow Book” appraisal.
(Note: A Yellow Book appraisal is
more detailed than the summary appraisal we have already obtained for this property.) Obtaining both a Yellow Book appraisal and an
A2 survey of the property is an application requirement. After much discussion, Paula Jones &
Kevin Gough agreed to take the lead in writing the grant application which has
a due date of March 1, 2015. We agreed
that some type of broader public appeal will be pursued to close any funding
gap. A motion to approve the expenditure
of up to $10,000 to secure a Yellow Book appraisal and A2 Survey passed
Lisa Lane Farm – We
briefly discussed whether we would be eligible to apply for a DEEP Urban Green
and Community Garden Initiative. Doris offered to further investigate.
Financial – December
31, 2014 balances: $4,138.34 in
checking; $39,417.50 in savings; $239,611.34 in restricted funds.
Hawk Hill celebration –
This event is now planned for late April.
Annual Meeting &
WLT celebration – We briefly discussed Seabury Retirement Community as a
possible venue. Jim Trail
reported that Seabury will have several construction projects in 2015, but
hosting the Annual Meeting might be possible and that he will look into it.
New Business
Next meeting date: (2nd) Wednesday of month – This
was not discussed, but current scheduling calls for February 11th, 6
– 7:30 p.m. at Seabury Retirement
Request for Leave of
Absence – Board member Pat Sullivan has requested a 6-month leave of absence
from the Board due to business obligations.
Pat indicated that he would be better positioned to know in six months
whether he could continue his term. A
motion to approve Pat’s request passed unanimously.
Trails Day/Celebrate Bloomfield - There was consensus
to offer Kevin Gough’s proposed hikes: June
6, Saturday morning: Stout Family
Fields/Penwood Loop. Easy and moderate
alternatives to Lake Louise/The Pinnacle will be offered. June 6, Saturday afternoon: Short hike to Van Otterloo waterfall. June 7, Sunday morning: Hike on Seabury Trail system. Kevin Gough/Paula Jones will be hike leaders
on Saturday and Jim
Trail will be the hike
leader on Sunday. Kevin will write up descriptions for the
Trails Day publication.
Other hikes: We agreed to mention winter & spring
hikes in the January newsletter rather than attempt to list a full year’s
offering. Jim Trail
mentioned that the Seabury Trails Group would be interested in hiking on the
Evans property. Hikes on this property and
winter walks on Wintonbury Hills Golf Course could be used to increase
awareness of the Land Trust and for project fund raising.
d) Seabury Telescope
– Jim reported that someone interested in astronomy at Seabury has donated a telescope. All agreed that “no-moon” star gazing would
be a good event to offer.
Recorded by Paula Jones