Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wintonbury Land Trust Meeting Notes February 19, 2014

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST   February 19, 2014, 52 Duncaster Road

Victor Herson, Chip Caton, Dale Bertoldi, Doris Johnson and  Vikki Reski

1.       Meeting Minutes Approved

2.      Committee Reports  

a. Grants

1.       Lisa Lane has received a special extension of the closing date to March 31, 2014. A conference call to work out language details between NRCS and DEEP was held today. NRCS will review history and propose a language modification in the NRCS easement.

2.       We are finalizing Hawk Hill title insurance for DEEP and NRCS required documents. Hawk Hill funding and background history was distributed for board review. Vikki will answer questions received by e-mail.  Hawk Hill Farm DEEP Resolution was passed:

RESOLVED, that Dale Bertoldi of Wintonbury Land Trust is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Wintonbury Land Trust, a Grant Agreement and Conservation and Public Recreation Easement and Agreement under the Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Program with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance to acquire permanent interest in land known as Hawk Hill Farm, OSWA# 460, and to manage said land as open space land pursuant to Section 7-131d of the Connecticut General Statutes.

3.       NRCS FRPP 2014 presentation at the Capitol tomorrow. Vikki will be attending. 

b.    Financial- schedule subcommittee meeting

1.       Working on Financial Calendar, Treasurer Book, and Contribution Policy and Procedures

2.       Checking $2811.11, Savings $21,007.18, Ameritrade $1,884.00 and restricted $131,439.29  

c.   Acquisitions: Schedule meeting to review Beacon Hill and Land Procurement Process. A WLT letter to Evans was sent.  

d.    Capacity Building:

      1.  Leaders on Board express match date on January 30th: Land Trust folded due to illness.

      2. Chip nominated Pat Sullivan for a board position, Dale seconded. The board voted to elect Pat Sullivan to the board.

      3. Paula Jones has broken her knee cap. The board wants to send well wishes. The Bylaw discussions were tabled till next meeting. 

e.   Events:

1.       Earth Day Celebrate 2014, third meeting on 2/20/2014 at 10:30

2.       February 8 Snowshoeing at Speer/ MDC was well attended by 13 people. See February newsletter.

3.       Special Membership Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday March 4th from 7-9 at 330 Park Ave in meeting room 2. Agenda: Past success, financial overview and financial sustainability proposals.

4.       Trails Day- submitted 

f. Membership/Community

1.       Land Trust ID-  is delayed for personal reasons

2.       Newsletter:  Hike recap and Earth Day build up

3.       Website- Outreach for a web master

4.       Back East Brewery written suggestions still pending

5.       Trail guide – start with hikes on web site. 

3.       New Business

a) Next meeting Dates:  March 19. Adjourned                                Notes submitted by V. Reski

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