Monday, August 12, 2013

WLT 06/20/2013 Meeting Minutes

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – June 20, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  

Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Chip Caton, Kevin Gough, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Vic Herson

1.      The May 16, 2013 Meeting were approved with two corrections.

2.      Committee Reports

a) Stewardship:

1.      Thrall Farm - Lease status:  Newgate Farms has been reviewing the draft lease with their attorney; they should have final comments around July 2nd.  Kevin and Paula will add a provision retaining WLT’s right to publicize the project, and indicating WLT’s expectation that Newgate Farms will publicize it as well. 

2.      Stout Fields: Vikki Reski will be taking soil samples for testing in July. We are planning a maintenance day in the fall to clean up overhanging branches and field edges.

3.      Van Otterloo:  The grass needs to be cut on the path within the next few weeks.  Doris offered to schedule a work party.   Chip offered to mark the trail using the tree template later this summer.

b) Acquisitions:

1.      Lisa Lane - Doris received approval from Thom Hooper to post signs for Lisa Lane near the Farm.  Vikki is working on setting up a meeting with Bloomfield’s Interim Town Manager, Philip Schenck, to introduce him to this project and to the Land Trust.  Vikki is also working with Diane Mack on some administration tasks (with NRCS), including a quarterly report due at the end of June.

c) LaSalette Trail/Hawk Hill:

1.      A quarterly report for NRCS is due at the end of June.

2.      We received a check from the Land Trust Alliance for the 1772 Foundation Farm Preservation grant for $50,000 for Hawk Hill Farm. Dale has written a thank-you letter.

3.      Hartford Foundation for Public Giving is expected to review our Proposal on the LaSalette Trail in its July meeting.

d) Grants:

1.      A CTNAAP application was submitted in Bloomfield for Wintonbury Land Trust Open Space, stewardship and operational expenses.  The total funding amount requested was $94,000.

f)  Financial Committee:  Vikki and Kevin are finalizing numbers for the 2012 tax form.

g) Events:

1.      We had a good turnout (14 hikers) for our Connecticut Trails Day event, June 2nd at Seabury.  Kevin and Paula co-led this hike with Jim and Nancy Trail of Seabury.  

2.      Our 3rd annual Bike Tour took place on June 15th.  Twenty five riders participated, two of whom became new members.  Special thanks to the Tour Committee (Vic, Patrick Sullivan, and Cary Henderson), Robin Sherwood for graphic design, Cary Henderson for supplies and support from REI, Mary Johnston for volunteering at the registration table and Konica for supporting the printing of posters and brochures. We briefly discussed some ideas for next year’s Tour:  use a different starting/ending point (e.g., LaSalette or Hawk Hill), have someone remain at the ending point with refreshments until all riders are in, offer 2 loop options (shorter & longer to accommodate different experience levels).  Doris also suggested that Vic talk to Kevin Sullivan for other ideas.

3.      The Membership Committee suggested a fall hike for the end of October.  Kevin and Paula offered to organize this event and will reach out to Simsbury Land Trust to explore the possibility of a joint event showcasing trail connectivity from Bloomfield to Simsbury.  The objective is to have event information ready for August and September newsletters.

4.      Stout Fields Celebration – We need someone to volunteer as the event planner.  Chip offered to help with the planning since he has a good sense of what work needs to be done. 

h)      Membership/Community Outreach meeting: Vikki Reski, Diana Hughes and Wendy Wolcott met. Future mail-chimp membership mailings are planned for the next five months. Wendy is updating membership lists.

Welcome to new members Edward Raymond and Donna Lauderman. Thank you to all existing members who renewed. Please mail in your membership to P.O box 734 or renew on-line.

3.      Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

a)    CCLC grant update:  Chip provided a brief summary of the consultant’s billed hours.  We tabled discussion until we have time to review it.

b)   Wintonbury Historical Society has a file of WLT material at the WHS' History Center.  Fannie Gabriel, Past President of WHS, suggested that the WHS could archive materials for us if we would like.  This is a possibility to explore as far as safe storage of paper materials.

4.      Board Positions and subcommittee positions:  The ‘Leaders on Board’ new “speed date” event has been postponed to July 9th.

5.      Special Projects/Announcements

a) The CT General Assembly passed a bill (SB 190) related to ATV use on state lands.  The bill is before the governor for signature.

b)  Paula and Kevin attended "A Celebration of Barns" on June 8th.  This event, presented by the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, signified the end of the Trust’s nine-year effort to research and document barns in Connecticut.  Thrall Potato Barn was shown as the example of a potato barn in the opening session on History of Agriculture in Connecticut.  (Auer Farm Mushroom Barn was also shown as the only example of a mushroom barn in the state.)  The presenter pointed out that WLT had received a 2012 Barn Grant from the CT Trust to help fund the replacement cost of the south side roof of Thrall Potato Barn.  (Note:  The CT Trust also prepared an application this spring on WLT’s behalf to list Thrall Potato Barn on the State Historic Register). 

6.      Next meeting Dates:  July 28th (at 7 P.M.) and August 22nd (at 7 P.M.).

Recorded by Paula Jones

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