Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Sunday, January 20, 2012, 7:00 pm, 52  Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

1.    Minutes Approval
2.    Special Projects/Announcements
a)       2013 Connecticut Land Conservation Conference,"Can Open Space be Permanently Protected?", Saturday, March 23, 2013 at Wesleyan University, Middletown, *:30am - 4:45pm (conference)
b)       Martin Luther King, Jr. 13th Legacy of Environmental and Social Justice at Yale Peabody Museum January 20 at 12-4:00 and 21th at 10:00-4:30.
c)       Uconn/MDC Hearing on January 22, at 7:00 PM at UCONN Health Center  in the Munson Building, 16 Munson Road, Farmington.
d)       7th Annual Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources (CCNR) on Monday, March 18, 2013 at the University of Connecticut. Early registration is in effect until Monday, March 4, 2013.  General registration is $50.00 and Student registration is $25.00. Please register at<>.
3.    Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan
a)       Standards for Action, Minutes and Membership
CCLC grant update. Hartford Foundation
4.    Committee Reports- come with report prepared
a)       Acquisitions: Stouts Fields closed December 21. Lisa Lane survey is done, Marc Needleman is ordering title report. A new appraisal for the NRCS portion of the funding will be done mid-February, Hawk Hill has NRCS grant and DEEP open space grant.  The open space committee updated the Bloomfield Town Council on January 14. Set meeting for committee.
b)       Open Space: DEEP Trails Grant 2013 - 2014 grant round - The deadline: March 29, 2013.  To facilitate the distribution of funds as soon as they become available, this solicitation will cover funds that may be available in federal fiscal year 2013 or 2014; funding levels are not guaranteed.  Application at:>
c)       Financial- end 2012 account balances: Checking $7,719.84 general savings $18,474.08 and restricted savings of $83,301.41. Vikki working on paper work for 490 status for Stout Fields. She is coordinating with the assessor and John Stout. Set meeting for committee.
d)       Events:
Wintonbury Trust Wine and Dine- March 2013, 80-90 people at 10 host homes- (chair Patrick Sullivan)
Stouts Fields Celebration, Earth Day
Earth Day at Hawk Hill and Hikes in February and March featuring the Wintonbury Trail.
Trail Day
e)       Community Outreach: The Early Learning Center at 73 Rockwell Ave. in April has room for community offices and meeting space.  They would like to start a gardening program in the vicinity.
The Dunlandwood Garden Club and the library are each putting up $200 to bring Margaret Roach later this year. Does the WLT want to put in $200 and co-sponsor?
f)        Stewardship: Thrall Barn Roofing Roof: $5000 Stewardship funds received for Roof. Roofing status. Farming grants status. Additional $500 from Historic Barn at finish and payment of roof. Status of 400 Old Windsor Road.
g)       Membership: membership list discussion
h)       Stewardship: Thrall Roof and grants
i)         Board Positions and subcommittee positions
    1. Additional members,  community outreach
    2. Need Membership Chair
5.    Next meeting Dates: Sunday, February 24, 7:00, March  24, 7:00.

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