Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wintonbury Land Trust Meeting Minutes - 10/24/2013

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – October 24, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  

Present:  Chip Caton, Dale Bertoldi, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Kevin Gough 

1.      September 15, 2013 Minutes were approved with minor changes.   

2.  There were no additional Agenda items.

3. Committee Reports

c)      Acquisitions – The Board unanimously approved a summary appraisal of the Evans’ 24-acre parcel. 

d)     Events – The Oct 26th Hike “From Filley House to the Flower Bridge” with Simsbury Land Trust is all arranged.  Bloomfield Leisure Services is providing a bus to shuttle everyone back to the Filley House from Simsbury’s Flower Bridge at the end of the hike. 

e)      Membership/Community

1.      Land Trust ID project – The Board agreed on the tagline “Connecting People with Nature”.

2.      Website – Catherine Lyons has volunteered to update the website.   

4. Old Business - Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

a)    We spent the majority of the meeting reviewing the summary and assigned tasks.  Paula will update the summary and send the revised document to the Board. 

5. New Business -  

a)   Next Meeting Dates – 7 PM at 52  Duncaster Road
a.       November 21st
b.      January 12th or 15th?  TBD
c.       January 16th – Final meeting with Sharon Danofsky (allot 1 hour)
Recorded by Paula Jones

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

WLT 9/15/2013 Meeting Minutes

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – September 15, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  
Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Kevin Gough 

1.      Corrections/additions to the August Minutes were provided to Paula via e-mail prior to the meeting.   

2.  There was one Agenda addition – the Acquisition Committee set a tentative date of Oct.13th for its next meeting.  Prior to that meeting, Paula will provide a summary of the status of the FRWA mapping project with recommended steps to move that project along.  Kevin will send his suggested changes to Dale’s property evaluation templates.

3. Committee Reports

a) Stewardship
1.      Home Depot donated two loppers and two clippers.
2.      Stout Family Fields – Doris has arranged work parties for September 18th and 19th to pre-clear the fields prior to the scheduled Maintenance Day on September 21st.  Thank you, Doris!  Dale reported that Roy has cut and hayed the second field, so the property is looking very good.  We have a donation of Spanish cedar from Albert Dantonio for the property signage; Herb Virgo will donate his services to make the sign.
3.      Van Otterloo – Preliminary clearing work has been done in preparation for a work crew to do more extensive maintenance. 

c) Events
1.      Fall Hike – A fall hike is being planned for October 26th in collaboration with the Simsbury Land Trust.   Paula will contact Dick Davis about possible rain dates of 10/27 or 11/2.
2.      Stout Fields Celebration – The celebration will be Saturday, September 28th.  Chip, Wendy Wolcott, and Louise Morrise, are serving on the planning committee. 

d) Membership/Community Outreach
1.      Land Trust ID project - We discussed Chip’s proposal for the ID project.  Vikki expanded on Chip’s written explanation of what “product” we’d receive, and reported that there are enough restricted funds (for operational expenses) available for this project.  We all agreed that we need to do something, so the project makes sense with a spending limit of $700.  The Board approved the project; if the cost turns out to be higher, Chip should come back to the Board for approval.  Robin Sherwood has agreed to do the project.
2.      Web site for Photos – Hanna Bertoldi set up Google Drive as a potential website for sharing photographs.  Vikki is testing the site and will report back to the Board.   

4. Old Business - Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan
a)    Organizational assessment review of progress and final meeting with Sharon Danosky – Paula will contact Sharon Danofsky to schedule a date in January and to get a sense of how Sharon will conduct that final review.  Paula will also resend Sharon’s assessment summary to the Board prior to our October 24th meeting.  We had reviewed the summary in June 2012, and established assignments.  We agreed to use that document to “check off” completed tasks, and to re-evaluate committee assignments and prioritization of the remaining items. 

5. New Business -  

a)   Next Meeting Dates – 7 PM at 52  Duncaster Road
a.       October 24th  
b.      November 21st
c.       January 16th – Final meeting with Sharon Danofsky
Recorded by Paula Jones       

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wintonbury Land Trust Meeting Minutes for 8/22/2013

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – August 22, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  

Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Chip Caton, Vic Herson

1.      The July 28, 2013 Meeting Minutes were approved with clarification added regarding the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving grant for the LaSalette Trail.

2.  There were no Agenda additions.
3. Committee Reports

a) Grants and Acquisitions:

1.      Meeting with Town Manager – Vikki reported a productive meeting with the Town Manager.  He expressed support for our work, and interest in the Town’s stewardship/management role (where appropriate) in WLT’s acquisition projects.

2.      Lisa Lane – WLT’s attorney is making modifications to the Easement document, which will then go to DEEP (for informational purposes) and to FRCS for a final look.  Once this process is completed, we should have a closing date, probably before year end.

3.       Hawk Hill – It was noted that we will need additional fund-raising to provide an adequate stewardship fund for this project since it will be a working farm, including buildings requiring maintenance.  The targeted closing for this project is 2014.

4.      We agreed it’s an opportune time to do a comparison of the management plans and legal structures of our three farm projects (Hawk Hill, Lisa Lane, and Thrall Farm).  This would likely fall to a cross section of subcommittees (Grant, Acquisition, Stewardship) to do.

b) Stewardship

1.      Thrall Farm – The lease with Newgate Farms has been signed, effective August 1st.  Thrall Stewards (Kevin Gough and Paula Jones) will begin meeting monthly with the Sedors beginning in September (according to the terms of the lease).    

2.      Stout Fields: The maintenance day will be September 21st. John Stout has prepared a comprehensive list of maintenance needs.  Prior to the workday, there will be a short meeting (in the field) to discuss the Stout Fields Celebration event planned for the following Saturday, September 28th.  Vikki and Hanna (Bertoldi) dug eight sample holes in each field to send to the CT Agricultural Station for testing.  Chip and Doris are working on signage for this property.

3.      Van Otterloo:  The grass needs to be cut on the path.  Chip will mark the path, and assemble the tools.  Doris will check on the availability of a work crew; if a crew is not available, we will schedule a work day.

c) Financial

1.      The 2012 taxes have been filed. 

2.      Account balances as of July 31, 2013:  $652.84 Checking; $18,107.47 Savings; $137,322.47 Restricted.

3.      Vikki attended a Land Trust Seminar on Financials; she will share seminar materials with       the Financial Committee with the objective of ultimately doing a presentation to the Board.  The seminar included useful guidance on types and amounts of stewardship funds.

4.      New Members – Welcome to new members Marlene Mayes and Duncaster Foundation.  Duncaster gave the Land Trust a ‘Community Outreach Award’; $500 for Corporate Membership and $500 general operating support.

d) Events

1.      August Hike - We will hike to Hublein Tower from the Speer Preserve on Saturday, August 24th.  Meet at the top of Juniper Road.

2.      Fall Hike – A fall hike is being planned for late October (tentative date 10/26) in collaboration with the Simsbury Land Trust.   Our SLT contact is Dick Davis.  The hike will showcase trail connectivity between Bloomfield and Simsbury.  Details will be available in time for our September newsletter.

3.      Stout Fields Celebration – The celebration will be Saturday, September 28th.  Chip, Wendy Wolcott, and Louise Morrise, are serving on planning committee.

4.      Lisa Lane Celebration – The date will be set after a closing date is established. 

e) Membership/Community Outreach

1.                  Newsletter – Chip and Diana Hughes are coordinating the August newsletter, which will feature a piece on Hawk Hill. 

2.      Web site for Photos – Hanna Bertoldi is looking at Google Drive as a potential website for sharing photographs.  (Note:  Last month we had talked about Shutterfly as a possibility.) 

4. Old Business - Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

a)    Organizational assessment review of progress and final meeting with Sharon Danosky – Paula will contact Sharon Danofsky to ask what pre-work/materials are required for that session before we schedule a date. 

b)   Subcommittee – We agreed it would be helpful to establish a subcommittee to work on the Bylaws.  Paula had already offered to work on the Bylaws.   Vikki suggested asking Diane Mack.

5. New Business -

a)   Chip brought the ID project up for Board consideration after obtaining an estimate from Robin Sherwood to do the work.  We agreed to table the discussion until our next meeting so that questions about the project could be sent out and answered at the next meeting.  (The ID project was initially raised during our May 16th meeting.) 

b)   Next Meeting Dates – (52  Duncaster Road unless otherwise noted)

a.       September 15th - There will be a short meeting from 5 – 6 PM to discuss the ID project and the Stout Fields Celebration.  

b.      September 21st – There will be a short meeting in the field prior to the Stout Fields maintenance day. 

c.       October 24th, 7 PM. 
Recorded by Paula Jones

Friday, August 30, 2013

WLT Meeting Minutes 07-28-2013

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – July 28, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  

Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Vic Herson

1.      The June 20, 2013 Meeting were approved with one correction.

2.      Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

a)    Leaders on Board – three individuals have expressed interest in the Land Trust as a result of the July 9th “speed date” event.  Board members have had or will be having follow-up discussions with these potential new members.

b)   Organizational assessment review of progress and final meeting with Sharon Danosky – It was noted that we need to have our final evaluative meeting with Sharon.   The Board also agreed that we need to review and update the Bylaws prior to a members’ meeting in 2014.

c)   Meeting order – We established a new protocol for meetings with the objective of keeping meeting length reasonable.  The Standing Agenda will be:  1. Approval of Minutes; 2. Committee report-outs (5 existing committees, plus grants; core group doing the report-outs plus other committee members participating as needed); 3. Board Old Business and New Business; 4. Members Open Q&A.

d)  Board Responsibilities/committees – Generally speaking, board members serve on a committee.  WLT members who are interested in serving on the Board will typically serve on a committee for some period of time to gain knowledge of the organization, and to have the opportunity to be mentored by a Board member.  The majority of the Land Trust’s work will be done by committees (with that work being reported out and not conducted at Board meetings.)
3.      Committee Reports

a) Acquisitions:

1.      Lisa Lane – Vikki reported that the legal fee associated with the easement is $1,500.  That amount is within what was budgeted for closing costs, but Vikki thought it appropriate to bring to the Board’s attention.  The consensus was that the $1,500 was an allowable expense since it had been budgeted for, but we confirmed the approach of bringing higher expenses to the Board’s attention.

2.      Hawk Hill – We received two bids for surveying Hawk Hill and will use Alford & Associates to do the work.  The cost of the survey is covered by grant funding. 

3.      LaSalette Trail - Hartford Foundation for Public Giving awarded a $200,000 grant towards completion of this project.  The grant will provide funding for operations, and for the Hawk Hill and Maulucci projects.

b) Stewardship

1.      Thrall Farm - Lease status:  We will be meeting with Newgate Farms to sign the lease on July 30th.  The lease effective date will be August 1st. 

2.      Stout Fields: The maintenance day (to clean up overhanging branches and field edges) will be September 21st. There will be a short meeting (in the field) to discuss the Stout Fields Celebration event planned for the following Saturday, September 28th.

3.      Van Otterloo:  The grass needs to be cut on the path.

c) Financial – The 2012 tax filing is in final review.   End of June balances: 

Checking: $752.82; Saving:  $18,105.93; Restricted:  $139,154.83

d) Events

1.      August Hike - We will hike to Hublein Tower from the Speer Preserve on Saturday, August 24th.  Meet at the top of Juniper Road.

2.      Fall Hike – A fall hike is being planned for mid-October in collaboration with the Simsbury Land Trust.   The hike will showcase trail connectivity between Bloomfield and Simsbury.  Details will be available in time for our September newsletter.

3.      Stout Fields Celebration – The celebration will be Saturday, September 28th.  Details to follow in the August newsletter.  As noted above in 3.b) 2, a workday is planned for the preceding Saturday.  Doris offered to explore signage possibilities for this property.

4.      Lisa Lane Celebration – Doris will chair this event’s planning committee.  The date will be set after a closing date is established. 

e)   Membership/Community Outreach

1.                  Vikki Reski and Diana Hughes met to coordinate the July newsletter which was sent out on Wednesday, July24th. Paula will e-mail Diana about doing a story on the Thrall Farm project for one of the fall newsletters. 

2.      We will ask one of the individuals from the Leaders on Board event (who expressed interest in joining WLT) to help set up a Shutterfly account for a web site location of WLT photographs.

4.      Special Projects/Announcements – Doris reported that Weantinoge Heritage Land Trust, Inc. (Kentucky) received the 2013 EPA Region 1 Environmental Merit Award in the Environment, Community, Academia & Nonprofit Category.

5.      Next meeting Dates:  August 22nd (at 7 P.M.) and September 21st (short meeting in the field prior to Stout field work as noted above).

Recorded by Paula Jones

Monday, August 12, 2013

WLT 06/20/2013 Meeting Minutes

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – June 20, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  

Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Chip Caton, Kevin Gough, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski, Vic Herson

1.      The May 16, 2013 Meeting were approved with two corrections.

2.      Committee Reports

a) Stewardship:

1.      Thrall Farm - Lease status:  Newgate Farms has been reviewing the draft lease with their attorney; they should have final comments around July 2nd.  Kevin and Paula will add a provision retaining WLT’s right to publicize the project, and indicating WLT’s expectation that Newgate Farms will publicize it as well. 

2.      Stout Fields: Vikki Reski will be taking soil samples for testing in July. We are planning a maintenance day in the fall to clean up overhanging branches and field edges.

3.      Van Otterloo:  The grass needs to be cut on the path within the next few weeks.  Doris offered to schedule a work party.   Chip offered to mark the trail using the tree template later this summer.

b) Acquisitions:

1.      Lisa Lane - Doris received approval from Thom Hooper to post signs for Lisa Lane near the Farm.  Vikki is working on setting up a meeting with Bloomfield’s Interim Town Manager, Philip Schenck, to introduce him to this project and to the Land Trust.  Vikki is also working with Diane Mack on some administration tasks (with NRCS), including a quarterly report due at the end of June.

c) LaSalette Trail/Hawk Hill:

1.      A quarterly report for NRCS is due at the end of June.

2.      We received a check from the Land Trust Alliance for the 1772 Foundation Farm Preservation grant for $50,000 for Hawk Hill Farm. Dale has written a thank-you letter.

3.      Hartford Foundation for Public Giving is expected to review our Proposal on the LaSalette Trail in its July meeting.

d) Grants:

1.      A CTNAAP application was submitted in Bloomfield for Wintonbury Land Trust Open Space, stewardship and operational expenses.  The total funding amount requested was $94,000.

f)  Financial Committee:  Vikki and Kevin are finalizing numbers for the 2012 tax form.

g) Events:

1.      We had a good turnout (14 hikers) for our Connecticut Trails Day event, June 2nd at Seabury.  Kevin and Paula co-led this hike with Jim and Nancy Trail of Seabury.  

2.      Our 3rd annual Bike Tour took place on June 15th.  Twenty five riders participated, two of whom became new members.  Special thanks to the Tour Committee (Vic, Patrick Sullivan, and Cary Henderson), Robin Sherwood for graphic design, Cary Henderson for supplies and support from REI, Mary Johnston for volunteering at the registration table and Konica for supporting the printing of posters and brochures. We briefly discussed some ideas for next year’s Tour:  use a different starting/ending point (e.g., LaSalette or Hawk Hill), have someone remain at the ending point with refreshments until all riders are in, offer 2 loop options (shorter & longer to accommodate different experience levels).  Doris also suggested that Vic talk to Kevin Sullivan for other ideas.

3.      The Membership Committee suggested a fall hike for the end of October.  Kevin and Paula offered to organize this event and will reach out to Simsbury Land Trust to explore the possibility of a joint event showcasing trail connectivity from Bloomfield to Simsbury.  The objective is to have event information ready for August and September newsletters.

4.      Stout Fields Celebration – We need someone to volunteer as the event planner.  Chip offered to help with the planning since he has a good sense of what work needs to be done. 

h)      Membership/Community Outreach meeting: Vikki Reski, Diana Hughes and Wendy Wolcott met. Future mail-chimp membership mailings are planned for the next five months. Wendy is updating membership lists.

Welcome to new members Edward Raymond and Donna Lauderman. Thank you to all existing members who renewed. Please mail in your membership to P.O box 734 or renew on-line.

3.      Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

a)    CCLC grant update:  Chip provided a brief summary of the consultant’s billed hours.  We tabled discussion until we have time to review it.

b)   Wintonbury Historical Society has a file of WLT material at the WHS' History Center.  Fannie Gabriel, Past President of WHS, suggested that the WHS could archive materials for us if we would like.  This is a possibility to explore as far as safe storage of paper materials.

4.      Board Positions and subcommittee positions:  The ‘Leaders on Board’ new “speed date” event has been postponed to July 9th.

5.      Special Projects/Announcements

a) The CT General Assembly passed a bill (SB 190) related to ATV use on state lands.  The bill is before the governor for signature.

b)  Paula and Kevin attended "A Celebration of Barns" on June 8th.  This event, presented by the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, signified the end of the Trust’s nine-year effort to research and document barns in Connecticut.  Thrall Potato Barn was shown as the example of a potato barn in the opening session on History of Agriculture in Connecticut.  (Auer Farm Mushroom Barn was also shown as the only example of a mushroom barn in the state.)  The presenter pointed out that WLT had received a 2012 Barn Grant from the CT Trust to help fund the replacement cost of the south side roof of Thrall Potato Barn.  (Note:  The CT Trust also prepared an application this spring on WLT’s behalf to list Thrall Potato Barn on the State Historic Register). 

6.      Next meeting Dates:  July 28th (at 7 P.M.) and August 22nd (at 7 P.M.).

Recorded by Paula Jones

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Wintonbury Land Trust Meeting Minutes 05/16/2013

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST – May 16, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  
Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Chip Caton, Kevin Gough, Doris Johnson, Paula Jones, Vikki Reski
1.      The April 21, 2013 minutes were approved as submitted. 
2.      Special Projects/Announcements – one new announcement was made.  Auer Farm is having a farm dinner on May 23rd.   The menu is posted on the farm’s website.
3.      Committee Reports

a) Stewardship:

1.      Thrall Farm:  Thrall Stewards Kevin Gough and Paula Jones presented a draft farm lease and corresponding financial worksheet.  Kevin and Paula have worked closely with Dale Bertoldi and Vikki Reski and Newgate Farms in drafting the lease.  The Board approved moving forward with the lease arrangement as presented.  Kevin and Paula will come back to the Board for review and approval of the final lease with Newgate Farms.

2.      Stout Fields:  The stewardship baseline on Stout Fields was done on May 7th.  A first cut of the fields will be done at the end of June.  The management concept is that it would be most effective to manage the three fields (the two Stout Fields and a nearby state-owned field in Penwood Park) together.

3.      Speer Preserve:  A work party of four people did maintenance on Speer Preserve on May 11th.   We have received complaints from neighbors about four-by-fours using the property.  The work party left a large downed pine tree in place to block access for motorized vehicles to help allay neighbors’ concerns and protect the property. 

b) Acquisitions:

1.      Lisa Lane:  Town Attorney Marc Needleman is updating the title report for Lisa Lane based on DEEP comments.

2.      LaSalette Trail/Hawk Hill:  A 1772 Northeast Farm Preservation grant was written for Hawk Hill.  The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving (HFPG) is expected to review the Proposal on the LaSalette Trail in its July meeting.

c) Grants:

1.      The DEEP Trails Grant (2013 - 2014 grant round) was submitted.

2.      The CTNAAP application is due May 30 in Bloomfield.  We decided to forego applying for the program for Thrall Farm in Windsor this year and will reconsider next year.

d)     Financial Committee – The committee submitted a request for extension for 2012 taxes.  The committee will meet in June to continue the work needed to file taxes.

e) Events:

1.      Celebrate LaSalette Trail on April 27th was a success with over 100 people participating.

2.      Our CT Trails Day Weekend event is June 2 at Seabury Community.  Kevin Gough and Paula Jones will lead this year’s hike.

3.      The Bike Tour is scheduled for June 15th with a rain date June 16th. Flyers and posters have been printed and will be distributed.  Individuals can register online at or at the Farmington River Park, 460 Tunxis Avenue Ext. on the day of the ride.  Special thanks to (1) Robin Sherwood of Sherwood and Company for her design work on the event materials, (2) REI for financial support, and to (3) Konica, Inc. of Windsor for donating printing services.

f)  Community Outreach: Diana Hughes and Wendy Wolcott are working on a newsletter. 

g) Membership: Welcome to new member Flo Grieb. Thank you to all existing members who renewed.  Please mail in your membership to P.O box 734 or renew on-line at

4.      Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

a)    Conflict of Interest Policy:  Active board members have signed the statement:  “I have read and agree to abide by the Wintonbury Land Trust Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy.”   As Committees meet, Committee members will be asked to sign the same statement. 

b)    CCLC grant update:  Chip Caton reported that Hannah Roditi had used all her remaining hours on the HFPG grant application.  Chip will provide a final accounting of Hannah’s time/work spent during the course of this grant.

5.      Board Positions and subcommittee positions:  The next ‘Leaders on Board’ event is June 11th at 7:00 P.M.  Dale Bertoldi and Doris Johnson will represent the WLT.  The purpose of this “speed-dating” event is to introduce non-profits to potential new Board candidates.  In preparation for this event, Board members were asked to e-mail their top 3 priorities (in no rank order) as to skill set desired in new Board candidates.

6.      New Business:  Chip Caton brought up the question of whether we should update our logo/letterhead.  We agreed that this should be placed as an agenda item for an upcoming meeting, along with our current operational budget, as well as consideration of other expenses and potential operational needs.  There was a brief discussion on the topic – whether that work was truly needed, and if so, what other options existed for having the work done (e.g., design contest at a post-secondary educational institution).  Chip offered to ask Robin Sherwood for a cost estimate for such art work in preparation for the discussion.

7.      Upcoming meeting dates:  June 20th and July 28th, 7 P.M., 52 Duncaster Road.

 Recorded by Paula Jones

Saturday, May 25, 2013

WLT-sponsored CT Trails Day Hike - June 2nd, 2013

As part of Connecticut Trails Day Weekend, June 1st and 2nd, , WLT will sponsor a hike at Seabury Community on June 2nd, 9:30 A.M to noon.  Kevin Gough and Paula Jones will co-lead a 2-mile hike on the Wildwoods Trail, with an optional short extension to the Dike Trail.  (The photo of Tree Swallows below was taken by Paula near the access point to the Seabury trail system.)  Details are available in the CT Trails Day Weekend brochure (in the "Bloomfield" section), now available online at .

WLT Meeting Minutes 4/21/2013

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST - April 21, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield  

Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Paula Jones, Vic Herson, Kevin Gough, Vikki Reski, Chip Caton, Doris Johnson

1.      The February 27, 2013 minutes were approved as submitted.

2.      Special Projects/Announcements.  More details were provided on agenda items a) and c) during the meeting.  New item d) was added.

a)    Dale Bertoldi and Vikki Reski attended the 2013 Connecticut Land Conservation Conference,” Can Open Space be Permanently Protected?”   They reported that workshops dealing with how laws can help or hurt land trusts were particularly educational.  In particular, as a land trust we need to be mindful of what’s   defensible in crafting conservation easement language.  We should always consider using appropriate third parties that aren’t land trusts in structuring conservation easements for projects.

b)    Farmington River Watershed Association and Simsbury Land Trust’s Dick Davis will present A Landowner Outreach and Negotiation Workshop on May 28th, 2013 from 6:30 to 8pm at the Simsbury Library Program Room. Send RSVP to Amy Petras via email or call at (860) 658-4442 x201

c)    New Town Manager feedback sessions with Randi Frank were conducted in the Council chambers on April 17th. An additional session will be held on May 8th at 7 PM in Council chambers.  A link to the press release describing the session questions can be found at the Town website:   Individuals who are unable to attend on the 8th are invited to e-mail their personal responses to these questions to,  Paula Jones will compile WLT Board member responses to these questions and submit a consolidated response to Ms. Frank on behalf of WLT.

d)    The Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation is presenting “A Celebration of Barns” in Old Saybrook Friday evening, June 7th, and Saturday, June 8th.  Two workshop sessions will be offered on Saturday.

3.      Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

a)  The Board accepted the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy shown below.

b)  Chip Caton reported that activity will resume on the CCLC grant.

4.      Committee Reports

a)  Lisa Lane - Marc Needleman has given the title report for Lisa Lane to DEEP and NRCS for review.   That review process should take about 6 weeks so should be complete sometime in June.

b)  LaSalette Trail/Hawk Hill - After meeting with the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Chip Caton and Vikki Reski updated the Proposal on the LaSalette Trail. WLT is requesting $250,000 in a single calendar year.  Our proposal is expected to be heard by the Hartford Foundation Board at their July meeting.

c)  DEEP Trails Grant 2013 – 2014 – A proposal was submitted by the Town of Bloomfield for the Filley Park section of the LaSalette Trail. Jonathan Thiesse, Bloomfield’s Town Engineer, produced the final document. Thanks to Lois Hager, Diane Mack and Vikki Reski for doing the initial coordination and draft writing. The Town is asking for $140,000, with its match being $28,000. 

d)      Financial-

                                                              i.      Year- end 2012 account balances: The 2012 Financial exhibits were reviewed and accepted.  Vikki Reski reported that about $10,000 is left in stewardship for Stout Fields, and that the Management Plan for Stout Fields needs some revision.  

                                                            ii.      Simsbury Bank March 2013 balances: checking $1236.84; savings $16,918.29;  restricted $81,875.82.

e)  The 490 status to Stout Fields was reinstated thanks to the cooperative efforts of Town Staff, the Stout Family, Jeff Roy, Vikki Reski and Diane Mack.

f)  Events:

1.      Celebrate LaSalette Trail on April 27 1:00 to 4:00 PM.  

2.      Stewardship Maintenance on Stout Fields and Trail Maintenance on Speer Preserve May 4, 10:00 AM.

3.      Trails Day, June 1st and 2nd.  Kevin Gough and Paula Jones will lead this year’s hike at Seabury on June 2nd, 9:30 A.M to noon.  We will hike the (easy) Wildwoods Trail, with an optional short extension to the Dike Trail.  (The photo of Tree Swallows below was recently taken by Paula near the access point to the Seabury trail system.)  The Trails Day brochure is now available online at   

4.      The Bike Tour will be on June 15th with a rain date of June 16th.  The same route and properties will be featured this year.  GPS coordinates of the start location will be added to the informational flyer.

g) Community Outreach: Duncaster Retirement Community – Chip Caton and Vikki Reski recently spoke at a weekly resident “chat” session about Hawk Hill and LaSalette Trail. 

h) Stewardship: Thrall: We learned that we did not receive a 2012 Ag Viability Grant, but were encouraged to re-apply this year.  Kevin Gough and Paula Jones will send a financial model of the draft Thrall Lease (with Newgate Farms) to Board members for review at our next Board meeting.

i)   Membership: Welcome Knute and Michelle Peterson, new lifetime members, and Anne Wall. Thank you to all existing members who renewed. Please mail in your membership to P.O box 734 or renew on-line.

j) Board Positions and subcommittee positions: We decided to participate in ‘Leaders on Board’, a nonprofit which links non-profits with prospective board members.   The annual fee is $100; membership benefits include 8 sessions matching prospective Board members to non-profits.

5.      Upcoming meeting dates: May16, 6:00 – 7:30 PM, June 20, 6:00 – 7:30 PM.

Recorded by Paula Jones




The Wintonbury Land Trust adopts this Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy to protect its reputation and effectiveness by providing guidance to board and staff members in making decisions about their activities and conduct that may have ethical implications or pose a conflict of interest.


“Land Trust” when mentioned herein will refer to the Wintonbury Land Trust.

“Board” when mentioned herein will refer to the Land Trust board of directors.

“Director” when mentioned herein will refer to a member of the Land Trust Board.

“Staff” when mentioned herein will refer to all employees, volunteers, and contractors of the Land Trust.


A.  Definition:  A Conflict of Interest (referred to as “Conflict” below) is defined as any contract or other transaction between the Land Trust and

  1. a Director or a member of the family of the Director or a member of a committee or family member of a committee member of the Land Trust.

  1. a director of a related organization (if any), or a member of the family of a director of a related organization; or 

  1. an enterprise in which the Director, or a member of the family of the Director, is a director, officer, or legal representative or has a material financial interest.
B.  Director’s Obligations:  Each Director has the following responsibilities and obligations.

  1. To disclose to the Board the existence of any real or apparent Conflict.  The orientation process for new Board members will present this Code of Ethics and request disclosure of any current conflicts.

  1. To abstain from discussing any issue involving their Conflict, unless requested by the Board, or committee thereof, to give information on the issue.

  1. To absent themselves from Board or committee discussions on any such project or transaction involving their Conflict unless requested by the Board or committee to give information on the issue.

  1. To abstain from voting on any such issue related to their Conflict.

  1. If so requested by the Board, to take a temporary leave of absence from the Board, until such time as the matter giving rise to the Conflict has been resolved.

C.  Board Obligations:  If a transaction or project of the Land Trust involves a Conflict which is real or apparent, by a Director, the Board will do the following:

1.  Approve of such project or transaction only if the Board makes specific findings that

      (a.)  the project or transaction is both

             (i)  fair and benefits the Land Trust and its objectives and

             (ii) is approved with the full knowledge of the economic benefit of the Director involved

                   in the Conflict, and

      (b.)  the affected Director has not participated in the vote approving the transaction or

              project and was absent both during the related discussions and at the time of the Board

              vote on the matter.

2.  If the Board determines that the nature and magnitude of the Conflict warrants the same, the

     Board will request that the affected Director take a leave of absence from the Board.

D.  Staff Obligations:  Staff will not engage in activities which represent a material or perceived conflict of interest as affects their roles with the Land Trust.


A.  Accountability:  The Board is the legal entity for the Land Trust and is responsible for the formulation and maintenance of the Land Trust’s general policies and operational continuity.

Each Director must devote time and attention to the affairs of the Land Trust to ensure that all Land Trust actions, including those of Staff, are in accordance with its established bylaws.  In establishing policies or authorizing activities, the Board must ensure that no policies or activities will jeopardize the basic not-for-profit status of the Land Trust or will reflect unfavorably upon the Land Trust as an institution devoted to public service.

B.  Fiduciary Responsibility:  The Board holds the fiduciary responsibility for the Land Trust and for the protection of its assets.  These assets include, but are not necessarily limited to, land holdings, physical facilities, financial assets, and the Staff itself.

C.  Loyalty and Support:  Directors should not attempt to act in an individual capacity.  All actions should be taken as Board, committee, or subcommittee, and in conformance with the bylaws or applicable policies, procedures, and resolutions.  Directors should work for the institution as a whole and not as advocates for particular activities or committees or outside interests.

Directors should be especially careful to keep Staff informed of all items about ongoing Board needs and plans and should refrain from making administrative decisions in any event.

Staff efforts will be guided by the Land Trust mission, Board-approved strategy, committee-approved plans, bylaws, and policies.  Unless they are representing a Land Trust committee (or, in the case of the president, representing the Board), individual Board members will refrain from directing Staff efforts.

All Directors should contribute to the Land Trust in time, services, or funds as best they can, encourage others to do so, and support its goals.  The donation of goods or services by a Director, a member of a Director’s family, or an enterprise in which a Director or a member of a Director’s family has a material financial interest will not be considered a Conflict.

Directors will not offer business or professional services to the Land Trust when doing so would create a Conflict.

Confidentiality:  Directors and Staff should keep information learned during the course of Land Trust activities in confidence when the information concerns the administration and activities of the Land Trust that are not generally available to the public.

The Land Trust’s President (or Executive Director)  has the sole authority to allow disclosure of member and donor information, and may use the Board for advice and counsel in this regard.  In the special case of information pertaining to donated conservation easements and the donors’ motives and status, the President (or Executive Director) will decide its disclosure after obtaining suitable permission from the donors and base the decision on the value to the Land Trust of the disclosure.  Directors are not to discuss donor information or landowner/land project details with anyone outside of the Land Trust, except as has been disclosed to the public media at the discretion of the President (or Executive Director).

Use of Resources:  Directors and Staff will not make unauthorized use of Land Trust resources for private purposes.

Expenditure of Land Trust funds will always be in accordance with applicable laws and consistent with the terms specified by the donor of those funds.

Gifts:  Staff will not solicit or accept for personal benefit, directly or indirectly, any gift, loan, service, or anything else of substantial monetary value from any person or firm which sought, or is seeking, assistance or other contractual business, or financial relations with the Land Trust.  Meals, accommodations, and travel services provided to the Staff on official business may be accepted as long as they are clearly in support of Land Trust programs.

Property Purchase:  Staff and Directors will not purchase from the Land Trust any real estate or personal property having substantial value without prior approval of the Board.

Approved by the Wintonbury Land Trust

Paula M. Jones                                                                         April 21, 2013
Recording Secretary                                                                 Date