Friday, February 10, 2012

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST Meeting Sunday, February 19, 2012, 4:00-7:00 pm

Sunday, February 19, 2012, 4:00-7:00 pm, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

  1. Fund Raising Projects Projects

a. Stout Fields: NRCS grasslands status.

b. Hawk Hill/ LaSalette Trail: Letter of intent, town support and grants.

c. Lisa Lane: NRCS and DEEP status. Septic Field.

d. Thrall: Roof grant and Historical status. Contract with farmer, clearing and wetlands.

  1. Special Projects
    1. CCLC Challenge Grant
    2. Celebrate 2012. Thank you Diane Mack, Anne Farnum and Lois Hager for organization. Thank you letters were written by Diane Mack and Vikki Reski.
    3. Duncaster Scenic Road
  1. Board Positions and subcommittee positions
    1. Financial Subcomittee meeting are beginning. Vikki believes that as we develop guidelines, a new treasurer will have a position that is better defined.
    2. Begin talking to new Town council members for ideas to further diversity in board. Fundraising Projects.
    3. Membership Corresponding Secretary- Wendy Wilcox has stepped forward.
  1. Committee Reports

a. Membership: Hannah’s research beginning after consultant work.

b. Stewardship: CL&P, VanOtterloo trail work, future projects (Juniper Road Trail).

c. Grants: Ag Viability/ the 1772 Foundation/ Barn Grants

d. Financial: Financials on quick books and excel. 2011 financials and budget.

e. Marketing: Rotary Club of Bloomfield at the Duncaster

f. Events chair needed.

New Business: Meeting dates.

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