Thursday, June 24, 2010


Earth Day Hike 2010-Pond to Hilltop

The Wintonbury Land Trust’s re-scheduled Earth day Hike met at the Stone House in the La Salette Open Space at 120 Mountain Ave on May 2 at 2:00. The enthusiastic group of prepared explorers set off through the Historic upper farm fields of La Salette on the farm road leading south-south west to the opening in the tree line at the field’s edge. Our group admired the framed panoramic view of Hartford as the grassed path descended the hill to a pond and wetlands crossing. The trail was a little wet but all participates were surprised to see a serenely set pond to the north of the path.
Woodpecker tapping was heard as the hikers ascended the old roadbed in surprising good condition. Large expansive trees ever present line the road edges and a fence line to the right marks Bloomfield town property from private. The road lead up the hill to a high point near an old ski slope. At this point paths lead a couple directions.
In order to reach our destination, the cul-de-sac at the end of Rye Hollow Drive and the Wintonbury Land Trust Sinnot Farm Knoll, our hikers continued on the left hand path which was reopened recently by the Wintonbury Land Trust. As the group followed the trail it became apparent that the land to the right was older growth forest and to the right a field grown up. Many invasives were established on the right; to the left the forest was clean.
At reaching the cedar forest falls we turned east to find the old oak and fencing which marked the property line of the east facing foot of the La Salette Open Space. This is where we descended along a path which leads to the cul-de-sac. The Sinnot Farms Knoll lays to the right of the road and encircles a small enclave of homes.
Turning back to retrace our steps we discover the path descending the hill is a red blazed trail.
Highlights on the hike are the gorgeous Ramps and Red Trillium.

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