Saturday, February 16, 2013

January 20, 2013 Meeting Minutes

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST January 20, 2013, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield   DRAFT

Present:  Dale Bertoldi, Paula Jones, Vic Herson, Kevin Gough, Vikki Reski, Chip Caton, Doris Johnson

1.      The November 25th, 2012 Minutes were approved as submitted.  In the future, announcements included in meeting agendas will not be repeated in the meeting minutes since they have already been publicized to membership.  New announcements made at meetings will be reported in meeting minutes.

2.      Special Projects/Announcements – there were no new announcements.

3.      Organizational Assessment and Strategic Plan

CCLC grant update – – Chip, Vikki, and Hannah Roditi have been meeting with the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving (HFPG) to discuss WLT’s needs.  They have been focusing the needs discussion on money needed for acquisition of Hawk Hill and other properties required for the LaSalette Trail and for money to hire and support paid staff or a consultant who will manage the Trail's development.   WLT’s assigned HFPG Program Officer has advised them to present these needs in a single grant application. They also learned that grants typically cover a 3-year period, so if we were to receive a HFPG grant, we could not apply for another for 3 years.  This prompted the question that, given this new information (about optimally packaging needs, and the 3-year time frame) whether other needs packages should be considered.  Chip indicated that WLT was pretty far-along in conversations with HFPG to change the needs focus now, but he was going to ask Hannah’s opinion.  He will report back.  He also suggested that donor-directed funds (administered by HFPG) could be a possible source of grants for other WLT projects within the three-year period.  

4.      Committee Reports

a)    Acquisitions: The Stout Fields closed December 21. The Lisa Lane survey is done, and Marc Needleman is ordering a title report. A new appraisal for the NRCS portion of the funding will be done mid-February.  Hawk Hill has an NRCS grant and a DEEP open space grant.  (The Conservation Energy and Environment Committee, in the persons of Lois Hager and Diane Mack, updated the Bloomfield Town Council regarding this activity on January 14 at which time the town council applauded our efforts.)  The Acquisition Committee will meet prior to the next Board meeting.

b)    Open Space: DEEP Trails Grant 2013 - 2014 grant round - The deadline: March 29, 2013.  To facilitate the distribution of funds as soon as they become available, this solicitation will cover funds that may be available in federal fiscal year 2013 or 2014; funding levels are not guaranteed.  The Application can be found at Hyperlink "" \t "_blank"> Doris can provide guidance regarding this Grant.  She mentioned that people from DEEP could do assessments, suggested that the Town could contribute in-kind services (for trail building.) It was noted that we will be required to have trails at Lisa Lane.

c)   Financial- end 2012 account balances: Checking $7,719.84, general savings $18,474.08, and restricted savings of $83,301.41. Vikki is working on paper work for 490 status for The Stout Fields. She is coordinating with the assessor and John Stout.  She will set up a Financial Committee meeting.

d)       Events:

Wintonbury Trust Wine and Dine - April 2013, 80-90 people at 10 host homes- (chair Patrick Sullivan)

The Stout Fields Celebration/General Party – Catherine Lyons has offered to help work on a celebration.  Paula and Kevin offered to find out Back East Brewery’s capacity – they attended a holiday party here.  We would need space for 50 – 60 people.

Earth Day at Hawk Hill

Trails Day (June 1st & 2nd) – We will approach Seabury about leading a hike on their trail system.  Kevin and Paula will co-lead the hike.  Dale will initiate contact with Seabury.

e)   Community Outreach: The Early Learning Center at 73 Rockwell Ave. will by April have room for community offices and meeting space.  They would like to start a gardening program in the vicinity.  Vikki will facilitate setting up a meeting with Claudia Bell to obtain more details.

CNAAP – If we want to participate in this program in 2013, we need to approach businesses now so that we can get a sense of funds commitment (and whether program participation is worthwhile for us.) 

The Dunlandwood Garden Club and the library are each putting up $200 to bring in Margaret Roach later this year as a speaker. WLT was asked to consider putting in $200 and co-sponsoring.  We agreed that this would not further our Mission, so will decline.

f)    Stewardship: Thrall Farm - Potato Barn Roofing: $5000 Stewardship funds were received for the South Side Roof project from a private donor. (The new south-side roof is complete.)  We will receive the $500 holdback (of the original $5,000 award) from our 2012 CT Trust Barn Grant upon submission of the final project report to the CT Trust for Historic Preservation.  (Paula will submit that final report shortly.) We are still awaiting news on the two farming grants we applied for in 2012 from the CT Department of Agriculture.  We’ve heard from a reliable source that the funding for these (2012) programs survived the State Budget cuts.  The foreclosed property next door, 400 Old Day Hill Road, has a listing agent for FNMA.  Kevin has contacted the agent about WLT’s and Newgate Farms’ interest in acquiring the property (preferably through donation.)

g)   Membership: Vikki noted that the members and donors lists had been consolidated (and should not be.)  She will talk to Chip about re-separating those lists.  Doris suggested a postcard that WLT function attendees could pick up (with content related to membership, etc.)  Vikki will e-mail the membership form to Paula and to Chip.  Chip had some suggested changes; we should incorporate those, and get some updated materials printed courtesy of Konica.

h)      Board Positions and subcommittee positions – Paula mentioned she had thought of a candidate for the Board, and would approach him.

i) Other

a.       A field walk of the Malucci property is being scheduled.   This parcel connects LaSalette to Sharon Road.

5.      Next meeting Dates: Wednesday, February 27, 7:00 PM; Sunday, March 24, 7:00 PM. 


Recorded by Paula Jones