WINTONBURY LAND TRUST October 25, 2012, 52 Duncaster Road , Bloomfield
Present: Dale
Bertoldi, Vikki Reski, Paula Jones, Chip Caton, Kevin Gough, Jay Stoccatore
1) Special
Projects/Announcements –
a. The League of Women Voters of Connecticut
Education Fund will host a Fall Conference, "From Land and Sea: Food for
the Good of Connecticut," on Saturday, October 27 at the Agriscience and Biotechnology Center
in Trumbull
from 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. More info and online registration:
b. The
second CLCC Regional Land Trust Round Table is December 11th.
and the Alliance
are hosting their annual Standards & Practices training on Saturday,
November 3rd. The topic is “Building an Effective Fundraising Plan”, taught by
Sharon Danosky.
d. CLCC’s
2013 Land Conservation Conference is scheduled for Saturday, March 23rd at
Wesleyan. The theme is “Can Open Space Be Permanently Protected?”
e. Other: (1) The Lower Farmington
River and Salmon Brook Wild and Scenic Study Committee next meeting is November
5th at the Canton
Community Center . The public is invited to a presentation by
Patrick Comins on the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Preserve. (2) The
Simsbury Land Trust is hosting Amos Eno for a talk called A Tuning Fork for
Conservation on November 4th at Simsbury Public Library. Paula will forward e-mails on these
presentations to the WLT membership distribution. (3) The Acquisition Committee
meeting will be rescheduled to follow the November submission deadline for the
Ag Viability Grant for Thrall Farm.
2) Organizational
Assessment and Strategic Plan – CCLC Challenge Grant
a. The
new Mission Statement has been posted on the web site and on Guide Star.
b. Standards
for Action – Paula started working on an Ethics/Conflict of Interest
Standard. Diane Mack has offered to help
with the review of Standards once developed.
c. Konica
has printed the funding package to be used by Chip and Hannah, donation value
$350. Dale will write a letter of appreciation; Paula will send Dale Konica
names and addresses for acknowledgment.
Committee Reports –
a. Acquisitions: The Stout
Fields should be closed by (November) month end. The Lisa
Lane survey is almost finished. Lisa
Lane will need a new appraisal for the NRCS
portion of the funding. Hawk Hill
has an NRCS grant, but we are awaiting the announcement. The prospective Windsor Locks
Land Donation was
sold to a buyer, so there will be no donation.
b. Financial
– Vikki reported the following balances shown below. She will be paying for the Chubb liability
insurance bill of $1,223.00 from Savings.
She will submit new property numbers at that time as those have changed
since we last renewed.
WLT Checking: $592.84
WLT Savings: $18,446.69
WLT Restricted: $167,172.77
WLT Savings: $18,446.69
WLT Restricted: $167,172.77
c. Events
– Wintonbury Wine and Dine: January
2013, 80 – 90 people at 10 host homes (Chair:
Patrick Sullivan). Annual
Celebration: Date and place to be
d. Stewardship
- Thrall Farm Roofing – We received an updated quote of $14,800 for shingles,
and $17,000 for metal to do the south side of the roof. We will be asking for other bids.
e. Membership
- We received two new Life family memberships: Rosalie/Peter Brainard and
Kathleen/Patrick Sullivan.
f. Grants
- The Hawk Hill Project has received $35,000 from Bafflin Foundation and a NRCS
Farmland Grant.
4) Board
Positions and subcommittee positions
a. New
Board Member – Doris Johnson was nominated to the Board, contingent on her
understanding and acceptance of responsibilities involved.
b. Need
membership chair – not discussed.
5) Next
meeting dates: November 25; December
Annual Celebration?