Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 7:00-9:00 pm, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield1. Special Projects
- CCLC Challenge Grant- status, $4000 fee, contract, board retreat December 4, budget.
- Fundraising Projects.
a. Stout Fields: NRCS grasslands status.
b. Lisa Lane: NRCS and DEEP status.
c. Thrall: Roof, barn cleaning and clearing status. Meeting with potential farmer will be rescheduled. Barn Grant submitted.
- Committee Reports
a. Events: Holiday/Lisa Lane celebration at Golf Course, suggested dates in January 5 and 12, membership and invited guests.
b. Stewardship: CL&P - Capewell Greene planting finished. Downed trees at Tunxis, Capewell Greene and Cohen.
c. Grants: Ag Viability/ Barn Grant submitted
d. Financial: Financials on quicken deluxe 2009. CLCC Effective Financial Management Workshop on Saturday on November 19, 2011attended by two officers. 990ez tax form $200,000 gross receipts and under $500,000 in assets.
Need to start annual budget process. Lap Top for Financial data.
e. Marketing: Dunlandwood garden club presentation to be rescheduled. Possible future presentations: Rotary Club of Bloomfield, Duncaster, Seabury, Town Council.
f. Board members and committee posts: Vikki and Tami working on the Treasurer notebook, Gail Herson is checking Post Office Box mail. Transition of Secretarial duties has begun with meeting notes. Formalize subcommittee work will increase board effectiveness.
Need events subcommittee. Membership for a financial subcommittee, budgets and reconciliation.
New Business: Annual meeting, Bike Tour, Trails Day, and Garden Fall Tour
Next Meeting Date: Holiday celebration January 5 or 12, February 9th?