1. Call to Order/ approval of minutes.
2. Fundraising Project.
a) Stout Fields: NRCS grasslands awarded to DEP and WLT. DEP will hold Development Rights. DEP in process of appraisal. Grant paperwork is being done.
Bafflin grant award for $35,000. Check is deposited and Thank you letter written.
b) Lisa Lane: will receive $77,000 NCRS matching funds to purchase the development rights to the Lisa Lane Farm under the Federal Farm and Ranchlands Protection Program. Land Trust will hold the Development Rights and Bloomfield Town have ownership of land.
Letters to update about funding to the anonymous donor and the Hartford Foundation.
d) Thrall: Pricing on clearing and roof repair. Two grants, Schedule Work Day, Farmer potential.
3. Special Projects
a) Lisa Lane Family Fun Fair- September 10, 10:00-1:00, Thank you letters to American Materials and Doris Johnson’s cleanup crew.
b) Penwood Celebration
c) CCLC Challenge Grant Award
4. Committee Reports
a) Membership: Hannah’s research and the CCLC Challenge Grant submission
b) Stewardship: CL&P - Capewell Greene planting
c) Grants: Ag Viability/ Conway School of Landscape Design, Connecticut Light & Power (CL&P) is again accepting applications for grants up to $1,500 to fund environmental initiatives in communities served by the company. Eligible projects are those that protect, preserve or improve the environment and/or provide environmental education resources.
d) Financial: Financials on quick books, Insurance changes, board insurance.
e) Marketing: Internet and Newsletter
f) Board members and committee posts
5. New Business:
6. Next Meeting Date: October
7. Adjourn