Friday, November 25, 2011

Agenda, Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 7:00-9:00 pm, 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

1. Special Projects

    1. CCLC Challenge Grant- status, $4000 fee, contract, board retreat December 4, budget.
  1. Fundraising Projects.

a. Stout Fields: NRCS grasslands status.

b. Lisa Lane: NRCS and DEEP status.

c. Thrall: Roof, barn cleaning and clearing status. Meeting with potential farmer will be rescheduled. Barn Grant submitted.

  1. Committee Reports

a. Events: Holiday/Lisa Lane celebration at Golf Course, suggested dates in January 5 and 12, membership and invited guests.

b. Stewardship: CL&P - Capewell Greene planting finished. Downed trees at Tunxis, Capewell Greene and Cohen.

c. Grants: Ag Viability/ Barn Grant submitted

d. Financial: Financials on quicken deluxe 2009. CLCC Effective Financial Management Workshop on Saturday on November 19, 2011attended by two officers. 990ez tax form $200,000 gross receipts and under $500,000 in assets.

Need to start annual budget process. Lap Top for Financial data.

e. Marketing: Dunlandwood garden club presentation to be rescheduled. Possible future presentations: Rotary Club of Bloomfield, Duncaster, Seabury, Town Council.

f. Board members and committee posts: Vikki and Tami working on the Treasurer notebook, Gail Herson is checking Post Office Box mail. Transition of Secretarial duties has begun with meeting notes. Formalize subcommittee work will increase board effectiveness.

Need events subcommittee. Membership for a financial subcommittee, budgets and reconciliation.

New Business: Annual meeting, Bike Tour, Trails Day, and Garden Fall Tour

Next Meeting Date: Holiday celebration January 5 or 12, February 9th?


Wednesday, October 26, 2011


52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield Present: Chip Caton, Dale Bertoldi, Jay Stoccatore, Himali_Shah; Vikki Reski, Tamara Hochman, Claudia Bell

  1. Special Projects

a. The CCLC has awarded a $10,000 development grant with the stipulation that the grant have some modifications that will require Land Trust assessment. The board has approved this change. CCLC will send a consultant list. WLT does not have to choose the consultant from that list. Chip and Hannah Roditi will work on requirements of this change and report back to the board.

  1. Lisa Lane Family Fun Fair- September 10, 10:00-1:00, See web site for more information.
  2. Special election

a) Tami will stay as treasurer for a short time until we find a replacement. Tami and Vikki work on quicken for the accounts. The Land Trust may need a different 990 form this year.

b) Vikki Reski will step down from secretary position. Paula Jones is willing to take this position in a couple of months.

c) Diane Mack and Anne Farnum may be willing to take a board position in the future. There are 11 active board positions available. Chip recommends the Land Trust add an emeritus category to our board positions.

  1. Fundraising Projects.

a) Stout Fields: NRCS grasslands awarded to DEP and WLT. DEP will hold Development Rights. DEP in process of appraisal. Grant paperwork is being done. Bafflin grant award for $35,000. Check is deposited and Thank you letter written. Chip will check on appraisal progress.

b) Lisa Lane: will receive $89,000 NCRS matching funds to purchase the development rights to the Lisa Lane Farm under the Federal Farm and Ranchlands Protection Program. Land Trust will hold the Development Rights and Bloomfield Town have ownership of land. Letters to update about funding to the anonymous donor and the Hartford Foundation are being written. The appraisal will be paid for by Thomas Henry will cost $3500 and will be completed by November 1. A meeting with the Town Manager and the Town Attorney is being arranged. Vikki and Dale will complete paperwork for the NRCS grant.

c) Thrall: Thrall Barn project will need critical guidance as we work towards an active CSA on the project. Dale and Vikki have spoken to Kevin Gough and Paula Jones about becoming active stewards on this property. We have asked the future farmer for an outline business plan. Critical items on the property are the barn roof and the clearing of the land. The barn roof if not repaired this fall may sustain too much damage this winter to make it feasible to repair. Dale estimated the temporary roof repair would cost about $2500 and could buy us 5 years till we can work on the complete reroofing. We will need some clearing which we will use the two grants the Land Trust received from Hamilton Sundstrand and NEGEF. Dale and Vikki will be working with Kevin and Paula on these issues in the next weeks. Chip will locate an ING contact for possible funding of the Thrall roof. Himali will complete the Hamilton Sundstrand grant.

  1. Committee Reports

a) Membership: Tami is willing to stay in a position to help with membership and Internet coordination.

b) Stewardship: CL&P planting at Capewell Greene will be done in fall.

c) Grants: Hannah Roditi participated in the teleconference for information on the People’s Garden Grant Program pulls together funds from AMS, APHIS, FNS, FS, and NRCS to facilitate the creation of produce, recreation, and/or wildlife gardens in urban and rural areas, which will provide opportunities for science-based informal education. She has recommended that we are not ready to do paperwork on this grant at this time.

d) Financial: Financials on quick books, Insurance changes, board insurance.

e) Marketing: The Land Trust needs membership to volunteer to help with Internet and Newsletter

f) Board members and committee posts: Individuals can be more involved and train for board positions in the committees. The committee can help us transition board members into critical officer positions. Chip especially needs help with fund raising.

  1. Next Meeting Date: October 27.
  2. Adjourn

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Agenda, Thursday, Sept 1, 2011, 7:30-9:00 pm 52 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

1. Call to Order/ approval of minutes.

2. Fundraising Project.

a) Stout Fields: NRCS grasslands awarded to DEP and WLT. DEP will hold Development Rights. DEP in process of appraisal. Grant paperwork is being done.

Bafflin grant award for $35,000. Check is deposited and Thank you letter written.

b) Lisa Lane: will receive $77,000 NCRS matching funds to purchase the development rights to the Lisa Lane Farm under the Federal Farm and Ranchlands Protection Program. Land Trust will hold the Development Rights and Bloomfield Town have ownership of land.

Letters to update about funding to the anonymous donor and the Hartford Foundation.

d) Thrall: Pricing on clearing and roof repair. Two grants, Schedule Work Day, Farmer potential.

3. Special Projects

a) Lisa Lane Family Fun Fair- September 10, 10:00-1:00, Thank you letters to American Materials and Doris Johnson’s cleanup crew.

b) Penwood Celebration

c) CCLC Challenge Grant Award

4. Committee Reports

a) Membership: Hannah’s research and the CCLC Challenge Grant submission

b) Stewardship: CL&P - Capewell Greene planting

c) Grants: Ag Viability/ Conway School of Landscape Design, Connecticut Light & Power (CL&P) is again accepting applications for grants up to $1,500 to fund environmental initiatives in communities served by the company. Eligible projects are those that protect, preserve or improve the environment and/or provide environmental education resources.

d) Financial: Financials on quick books, Insurance changes, board insurance.

e) Marketing: Internet and Newsletter

f) Board members and committee posts

5. New Business:

6. Next Meeting Date: October

7. Adjourn

Friday, July 22, 2011

WINTONBURY LAND TRUST Meeting July 6, 2011

Present: Claudia Bell, Chip Caton, Dale Bertoldi, Vic Herson, Tamara Hochman, Vikki Reski

1. Fundraising Project

a) Bafflin Grant announcements are expected sometime this week. A Grant Letter was sent for Lisa Lane/ Stout Fields/ Thrall Barn with project attachments.

b) Stout Fields: NRCS grasslands awarded to DEP and WLT. DEP will hold Development Rights. Chip, Vikki and Diane had a good meeting with Beth Brothers at DEP. An appraisal of the property will be bid and paid for by DEP. Easement value is typically 85-90% of total land value.

c) Lisa Lane: NRCS Farmland grant submitted with Bloomfield Town having ownership of land and Land Trust holding the Development Rights. Chip and Vikki met with NRCS state Conservationist Jay Mar and Kip Kolesinskas at Lisa Lane last week for a walk through on the farm. Privately $28,000 has been committed. With an additional $2,000 an anonymous matching grant of $10,000 will be triggered. The funding needs to be in place by the end of the year.

d) Thrall received a New England Grassroots Environment Fund of $1,250, check received, for clearing. The Land Trust will provide matching man hours in a fall work party.

2. Special Projects

a) Bike Tour- thanks to the entire volunteer staff that helped make the Bike Tour a success. The net of $197 added a positive financial reward. Our goal of exposure and the priceless goodwill created are most appreciated. Vic Herson, event coordinator, looks forward to next year. Special thanks to Bob Kaczmarczyk of Avon Country Deli for coordinating food, REI for door prizes and bike checks and Ted Paulsen for the art work. See the blog for more information.

b) The Wintonbury Land Trust sponsored two Trails Day Hikes on June 4. Kevin Gough and Paula Jones guided 22 people at Farmington River Park, Jay Stocctore & Himali Shah guided 20 on the hike from Speer Property to tower and back. See Facebook for photos.

c) Garden & Art Tour- netted $5,258.25 to be divided among three accounts: Lisa Lane, Stout Fields, general steward. Special thanks to Cheryl hosting after party, David Sullivan for the wine donated and Robin Sherwood for the donated art work.

d) A Geocache has been set up off first leg of the VanOtterloo Trail in the lower section of the site. Thanks to Homer Guilmartin the leg to the pond is being mowed.

3. Committee Reports

a) Acquisitions: Sigrun Gadwa, a wetlands biologist contacted WLT about buying 5-6 acres of wetlands property to replace wetlands being developed. Dale has contacted Jim Kandik at Windsor Land Trust for land around the Barber Pond. Dale and Dale discussed a joint approach.

b) Stewardship: Thrall/ Kevin Paula, Dale and Vikki meet with a prospective Farmer at Thrall. CL&P and Capewell Greene planting is being coordinated and will add 6 plants near the entrance to Capewell Greene off Adams Road. A dead tree on Cohen Property has been removed at a cost of $500 by Connelly and Hamilton. Dale spoke to the abutting neighbor about donating to the land trust. Kevin Connelly donated tree work from the removal of a fallen tree off VanOtterloo two years ago. Thank you Kevin, your work is most appreciated. Check out the geocache at Van Otterloo

c) Membership: Welcome new members Seth Shaw, Sharon Mann (life), Kenneth Karpowicz, Homer Guilmartin (life), Karen Peters, Dale and Sally Richter, Dianne Libbey and Steven Zuckerman, Cecilia Calhoun and Bob Firger, Cary Henderson and Robin Sherwood (life), Catherine and Philip Reynolds (life).

d) Grants: Ag Viability/ Conway School of Landscape Design, WLT and The Open Space Subcommittee composed a letter to introduce the study to the Bloomfield Plan of Conservation and Development. Final work on the Toolbox, criteria, farming statement and open space corridors are be coordinated.

The CCLC Challenge Grant submission went in and announcements are expected in end of August.

Chip and Hannah will research upgrade of membership costs.

e) Treasurer: Tami needs to step down as treasurer but will continue to work with the web site and internet. Tami will post mailchip newsletters when assembled by marketing; Tami to remain a board member.

Report- Balances: Lisa Lane Savings: $20,001.62, Stout Fields Savings: $2,000.28 + $500 from General Fund to keep account open without a fee, General Steward Savings: $27,711.18, Checking: $2,000, Trading Account: $748.08

Lisa Lane and Stout Fields accounts are being converted to money market accounts to earn more interest. The rates compare to one-year CDs but offer more flexibility.

f) Secretary: Vikki would like to step down from the secretary role in the land Trust and concentrate on stewardship, acquisitions and grants.

g) Marketing: Chip suggested a marketing sign for Stouts. He will check into pricing. Tami suggested a celebration on the grasslands grant in Penwood Park this fall. The Lisa Lane Farm celebration has been scheduled for August 10 rain date the 17th. We expect speakers and activities for families. Save the date.

4. Meetings: A special board meeting on August 6 at Avon Country Deli at 9:00 will discuss board positions and Committee members. At Present committees are Acquisitions, Fundraising, Grants, Membership, Publicity, Stewardship, Events. Meeting will be verified.

Next open meeting is August 24.

5. ‘Mother Nature’s Child’ will be shown at the Prosser Library on Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 7:00pm. The film is about the importance of outdoor education in children’s life. The mental and physical health needs of child will be enhanced through outdoor educational opportunities. Outdoor education is being recognized through several grant programs. Teachers are being certified and opportunities for land trusts to provide stewardship to our youngest members is important.
