Friday, December 4, 2009

Notes: Wintonbury Land Trust, Sunday, November 8, 2009, 4:00-5:30 pm, 52 Duncaster Rd
Present: Chip Caton, Gail & Vic Herson, Anne Farnum, Tamara & Oliver Hochmann, Jay Stoccatore, Himali Shah, Chuck Anano, Vikki Reski, Dale Bertoldi
1. The application for Farm Viability Grant will partner the Town of Bloomfield, WLT and the CEEC open space subcommittee. The proposed grant will identify, photograph and map farmland, develop a checklist to evaluate and prioritize them for preservation and assemble a resource guide. This work will be incorporated into the Plan of Conservation and Development. The WLT has volunteered 120 hours to assist the Town in performing the Grant. Key WLT player are Vikki Reski, Chip Caton and Anne Farnum.
2. Review of Properties
a) Speer property- E. Speer has decided to donate to WLT the remaining 3 acre parcel to the north of the preserve; transfer is scheduled for Dec. 15
b) Van Otterloo walk- revealed the parcel is best accessed from the Balbrae parking area adjacent to the pool or the MDC right of way off Mountain. A house exists west of our parcel between the parcel & MDC. More cutting of undergrowth will need to occur to maintain a clear walking path.
c) Roof repair work is a priority before the wet season- we have one contractor pricing work. WLT will cut the trees closest to the work area.
d) New Stewards update: Jay Staccatore is our Steward for the Speer Preserve, and Ann Farnum is our Steward for the Van Otterloo parcel
e) Privilege Rd. parcel- inadequate deed info at this time. Tony D. will request a proper deed, and add that all accrued taxes in 2009 must be paid by the donor.
3. Treasurers report
a) We spent nearly $2,981 this past year for property transfers, taxes, dues etc., and we received $540 of income mostly from interest. Although we currently have $ 23,800 in our account, there is growing concern that we must increase our membership to remain financially healthy.
b) Fundraising strategies were discussed. Many feel seeking Corporate sponsors is a good strategy based on the public awareness expected by Corporations to support Local Green Initiatives.
c) Also it was suggested to visit the Duncaster and Seabury retirement communities to brief these residents on the current activities taking place in the WLT.
4. and Blog are now linked on the main page of our Web Site. Tammi is working on the membership portion. Membership will soon be accepted on line.
a. Jay offered to help update the web site w/ Tamara
5. The Land Trust Alliance Challenge Grants has a deadline of January 14th. The Land Trust Alliance was impressed with our last grant that was not accepted. The Alliance has encouraged us to reapply in January. Vikki, Tami and Chip will look at this grant.
6. Tree for Faith Mac Mahon planted end of May and dedicated in the Town of Bloomfield Memorial Day Ceremony. Ceec would like a plaque. Bloomfield Journal had an article about the dedication in which the Land Trust was mentioned.
7. The Land Trust Alliance has developmental education for Land Trusts online as part of our membership.
8. The Easement Initiative will run out at the end of December. The Initiative allows 50% maximum on gross income for fifteen years instead of 30% for five years. Contact your US representative to encourage him to extend this initiative.
9. New Business:
a. The Stouts and Chip have been in contact over the destiny of their field that lies between Stone Hill and Gun Mill. The Board decided to approach John Stout to discuss the options that the WLT can offer. Chip will contact John to set this up.
b. GIS mapping of the Schafer parcel will help in locating property corners. Jay has experience with this technology.
Meeting Notes WINTONBURY LAND TRUST Sunday, May 9, 2009, 4:00-5:30 pm 52 Duncaster Road
Present: Dale Bertoldi, Chip Caton, Tamara Hockman and Vikki Reski
1. Approved Agenda and Meeting notes March 1, 2009
2. Approved the use of Land Trust 2007 Standards and Principles from the Land Trust Alliance.
3. It was agreed that WLT would submit an application for June 6th Grants Program. The project would use the approved mission statement. Vikki Reski will spearhead with Chip Caton editing.
4. Accreditation: The Land Trust will follow 2007 Standards and Principles concentrating on Stewardship Development, Web site development, membership and fundraising. Officers are encouraged to utilize the Land Trust Alliance education and development programs on their site to improve their management skills.
5. Web Page is being developed and soon to be up and running. Vikki will get a map update from the Town that contains the correct key. Blog is up and running.
6. Membership discussion
a) Modified Membership Form for web site.
b) Received two new members. Send maps with membership receipt
c) Stewards Responsibilities Document was approved with a couple modifications. Chip Caton will be the new steward contact person.
7. Review of Properties
a) Mapping with town has generated a good map, which has a key that’s needs updated. A couple of properties need to be refined.
b) Roof work at #15 Thrall Preserve Barn # 1. Vikki and Dale to contact a roof contractor.
8. Chip will contact Bloomfield Journal for an announcement about the Wintonbury Land Trust.
9. The Wintonbury Land Trust and Bloomfield CEEC jointly will start a fund for a Commemoration Tree in memory of Faith Machanon